+243 89 460 8664

Renforcements des capacités

Capacity building of CSOs in IO

  • Provide training to teams of national and/or local NGOs interested in mandated or non-mandated independent observation missions
  • Establish a framework for the exchange and sharing of information

Training of national and provincial inspectors responsible for forest control

The objectives pursued during these training courses are:

  • Master the law and regulations of the forestry sector in the DRC;
  • Know and understand the skills, roles and missions of inspectors in the application of forestry regulations;
  • Explore some case law cases relating to forest litigation in the DRC;
  • Examine ways and means of increasing collaboration between justice bodies and those responsible for forest control;
  • Swearing in trained officers as OPJs
  • Documenting and sanctioning forest offences during the joint forest control mission